Oh wow, we're not looking in great shape are we?! I think I better make a call to see if we can get doused with another dose of that miracle spray, and cross our fingers that they will do that. I see adawli has managed to fend off the virus somehow, well done! It's not you who's been executing us all is it?
Oh wow, we're not looking in great shape are we?! I think I better make a call to see if we can get doused with another dose of that miracle spray, and cross our fingers that they will do that. I see adawli has managed to fend off the virus somehow, well done! It's not you who's been executing us all is it?
The truck returned last night and the unit repeated their operation using the same precise routine. Something went wrong though. They mixed up the strength of their cure and the dead sprang to their feet much quicker than they anticipated and attacked them before they could open fire, biting them savagely, killing them all in the process.. and taking their weapons.
More Cotswold Cachers are now armed with guns than before