I would love to join you but I have heart issues at the moment so my exercise is restricted. I have got a trip to hospital to look forward to where they are going to stop my heart and re-start it again. Bit like re-booting my computer I am told.
Until then, light duties only and eat less/more healthy to lose a bit of weight.
I might plan this series in for the longest day next year.....
Yorkshire Yellow Its going to be a long day but like the challenge of all 25 miles in one go. Have a good family holiday!
tarmacjohn Hope you recover ok, friend had that done to him, and took a few days to get over it. Hopefully you'll be back to normal soon. I've started a diet to lose weight, but Missus isn't up for long walks.
Oh a development, I might have a Chocolate Lab with me for the day, he's very friendly.
The South-Western Loop through the woodland area is actually not as easy as I thought it would be. My boots malfunctioned in there and were soaked through by the time I got to #12.