With #UKGeocachingHour we aim to facilitate the promotion of Geocaching, those who take part, businesses who sell caching related items, local Geocaching groups… basically anything UK Geocaching related via Twitter once a week.
Are you a UK Geocacher?
Heard about Geocaching but do not know where to start?
Run a business selling caching related items?
Own a local Geocaching Forum you want to let others know about?
Run a Geocaching group on FaceBook?
Own a pub, coffee shop, or other venue that would be suitable for Geocachers to meet in?
If you've answered 'yes' to any of the above then we would love you to take part in #UKGeocachingHour.
How to take part:
#UKGeocachingHour takes place on Tuesday evenings between 8pm and 9pm.
An example of a good introductory tweet to #UKGeocachingHour would be:
Good evening #UKGeocachingHour. We're @TheGAGB. You can find more about what we do at http://www.gagb.co.uk